Knee Care

KneeCare is the only expert physiotherapist team with specialised equipment to effectively rehab your lower limb injury - welcoming clients from across Auckland and the North Shore.

KneeCare was developed in 2008 as a knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) pain service to provide effective care to the local North Shore and Auckland community with its growing need. KneeCare has since expanded to offer tailored assessment and rehabilitation to anyone with a knee or lower limb injury or issue.

The team work with a range of patients including those suffering from sports-related injuries such as ACL injuries and people with knee and hip osteoarthritis.

They identified early on that both medical colleagues and our prospective clients wanted to work with people that they trusted, and who were experts in their respective fields. To this end all their therapists are highly qualified with most holding a Masters degree or Post Graduate qualification.

In addition, they are the only private practice in New Zealand using and researching effective knee rehab in collaboration with colleagues, ACC, AUT and Otago University validated, using Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. This and other specialised equipment can be used to provide faster pain relief, accurate measurements of range, improved leg strength and power and safe return to activity or sports.

We are so appreciative for the support and sponsorship that Knee Care have provided in order to help reach Team NZBLUE's goal of raising $100k for children and youth charities while competing in Race Across America! 

Thank you so much Knee Care!

For further information on how Knee Care can help you, head to their website

Team NZBLUE at Knee Care